We are a Specialty Audit Firm
A quality audit at a fair fee that complies with all reporting and ERISA disclosure requirements;
Efficient coordination with the plan sponsor, trustee and third party administrator before, during and after the audit;
Continuity of engagement staff which eliminates the necessity to “train” new audit staff each year;
Timely completion of reports in advance of filing deadlines;
Tailored engagement procedures designed to minimize the time required of your organization’s accounting and HR personnel; and
Responsive technical support during the plan year.
Peer Review

Jeffrey L. Offhaus CPA, LLC received a "clean" unmodified opinion on its most recent Peer Review report. The link to JLOCPA's Public File Listing is listed below (Firm No. 900004058505)

The firm is an active member of the AICPA and the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center, a firm-based voluntary membership center to help meet the challenges of performing quality EBP audits.
Jeffrey L. Offhaus​ selected and featured in AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center promotional video.